Have you ever wonder what is your greatest asset so far. Most of our time are spend on the route to earning money, from studying to working, aiming to secure high pay job and have the money to live a better lifystyle, and have the opportunities to travel overseas. But does earning a lot of money gurantees you will live happily? To me earning lots of money is provide for my family, to my parents, future wife and kids. (i am someone who plans far ahead). But I know that doesnt guranttee happiness. But as I am not someone who know how to express my love, earning money is the more pratical way.
To far as I am concerned, there is no other asset more important than health. Yet a lot of people seems to neglect it. Recently, some of my loved ones fall ill ( cough, sore throat, whatever illness). The one coughing still drink a lot of soft drinks. Like that no matter how much medicine, herbal tea he takes also not recover. I really hope they take care of thier health.Because it is cruel to let those people concerning them worry.
Actually,prevention is better than cure. It is neccesary for us to take good care of our health. I know nowadays many of us are too busy to exercise. I understand because it apply to me as well. The time when I exercise is when perparing and taking IPPT. I confident can pass it, but aiming for silver, will be given more cash reward. If no time exercise try to get sufficient sleep, this should be possible if you sacrifice some sort of entertainment, like watching tv and msn for long hours. Even if no time to get enough sleep, at least have healthy diet, try to take lesser intake of oily food and those high-sugar portion soft drinks. That is what I have to say, take care of your health not only for your own sake, but also for your loved ones. Seeing them smile and you wont expected anything else from them.
Friday, June 8, 2007
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