Larry, Kelvin and Jeremy had came down to show their support. And I really feel very appreciated that Vino rushes down even through she know it just an hour plus before the ceremony started. I have mixed feelings, a bit nervous and excited at the same time. Me and Ngai Kai had to read the apostles' creed and made declaration of our faith and trust in Jesus Christ. After that, we queue up to be dip in the pond. Going through this is necessary as it lets us experience how Jesus dies for us, was buried and then resurrected again.
Queuing took some time as there was around 120 people also waiting to be baptized. After Ngai Kai's turn is my turn. The process is quite short and what i felt was that I was totally drenched. Go up and see Vino laughing at us being soaked. Has to thanks Jeremy that he took video of us going through the water baptism. I have included the video clip just below this post, feel free to take a view.
Really thanks to those who came down all the way to show their support. I strongly believe that being baptized will bring my relationship with God to a new level, being able to recieve more grace and more of his annointing. It also commits the faith that I have in him. Through this, I really hopes that I can get more calling from God to excel in abundance in the maket-place, to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. Some day, I not only want to be someone who penetrate the market-place, but also bring new perspectives and dimensions to the society, not to forsake having surpassing righteousness. My ambition may be a bit far-stretch as it seems, but as long i get the calling from the almighty lord, everything is achievable. Because god is a great god and he makes all things possible. Thanks god for all he has provided for me so far. Me and the others also took time for some photo-shooting together.